P3-2035-PDF Alabama - The Heart of Dixie
Alabama - The Heart of Dixie PDF Download Pattern
Alabama was named after the river. The Alabama River was named by European explorers after the Indian tribe that lived in the territory. The name Alabama is thought to come from a combination of two Choctaw words; Alba and Amo. In Choctaw, “Alba” means vegetation, herbs, plants and “Amo” means gatherer or picker. State symbols: bird - Yellow-hammer, flower - Camellia, fruit - Blackberry, and wildflower - Oak-leaf Hydrangea.
Finished block size 15" x 15".
This is a PDF Downloadable full size pattern that is formatted to print on 8 1/2" x 11" pages. The drawing pages are formatted with target markers to help you align the pages, just tape of glue pages together to make your full size 15" x 15" pattern.