P3-1775-PDF Land if by Land Download Pattern
One if by Land PDF Pattern
“If the British march by land or sea from the town tonight, Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch of the North Church tower as a signal light,-- One if by land, and two if by sea.” These famous words were penned by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow after Paul Revere’s renowned ride and became the inspiration for this original patriotic block. Depicting Paul Revere sitting astride his steed in the front of The Old North Church this brave patriot is ready to hang the signal lights to let all know that the British are coming! Lanterns gleam in the upper corners and a spray of roses and buds highlight this dramatic scene.
About the pattern
Original design finished block size 15" x 15
Large color photo
2 pages Color swatch guide for fabric requirements.
2 pages with color photos of the embroidery details and illustrations of the stitches used in this block.
4 pages is full-size pattern laid out to print on four standard 8 1/2” x 11” papers. Each page has registration lines to help you align the pages with a 1” overlap to make your full size 15” x 15” pattern. Use tape or Roxanne’s Glue Baste to hold the pages together. Please make sure your printer is set 100% printing.
4 pages with applique shapes are separated and mirror imaged ready to print the paper side of Ultimate Applique Template Paper or your favorite freezer paper.